This is not your typical massage practice, it's integrative care.
Why Wexford Medical Massage?
Typical Spa Franchise
600 training hrs
Avg 5 yrs experience
Medical Massage Certified
Massage College Professor
Proficiency with Pro Athletes
BS in
Health & Wellness
19+ yrs Experience
600+ training hrs
Wexford Medical Massage
What makes Medical Massage Therapy different?
Certified Medical Massage therapists have advanced training in anatomy, kinesiology and pathology with respect to their scope of practice.
Common conditions presented in our office:
sports injury/overuse injury
whiplash/post-concussion syndrome
temporomandibular joint disfunction (TMJ/TMD)
carpal tunnel syndrome
piriformis syndrome​
We also offer traditional Swedish massage therapy to help those suffering from work-induced stress, anxiety, and mental health challenges find more peace and relaxation.
Visit our Services page to book your session today!